24 photos   2053 visits

member since 25 June 2010


and pls make her to delete her page.or to recognize.b'cuz I can't support her anymore!look:please in many languages
Adyghe (Middle East) Thamshaga
Afrikaans (Southern Africa) Asseblief
Ainu (Japan) [asking for a gift] Enkore
Ainu (Japan) [asking person to do someth.] Wa enkore
Ainu (Japan) [asking for permission] Yakka pirka ya
Akha (China, Southeast Asia) [polite] ...-de
Akha (China, SE Asia) [polite command] ...-aw de
Aklanon (Philippines) Kon mahimo
Albanian (Albania, Yugoslavia) Ju lutem
Albanian (Albania, Yugoslavia) Të lutem
Altai (Russia) [requesting] Surap turum
Altai (Russia) [requesting] Berzeer
Altai (Russia) [inviting: 'go ahead'] Je kaysïn
Amharic (Ethiopia) [man] Ibakkih
Amharic (Ethiopia) [woman] Ibakkish
Amharic (Ethiopia) [respectful] Ibakkwon

Comments • 2

MeMilzPeace 25 June 2010  
AlysonStonerOfficial 25 June 2010  
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